Friday, October 5, 2012

II. The Phaeacian World -- Main Phaeacian Characters in The Odyssey

Phaeacian Nobles

An understanding of the main characters in Homer's work will help in the understanding of his literature and also of the Phaeacian society. Here is a list of the main Phaeacians that appeared in The Odyssey

  • Alcinous
  • Arete
  • Demodocus
  • Echeneus
  • Eurylaous
  • Halius
  • Laodamas
  • Nausicca
  • Nausithous

  • King of the Phaeacians
  • Son of Nausithons, grandson of Poseidon the Earthshaker
  • Husband of Arete
  • Alcinous is a wise king and a good ruler. In ancient Greek, Alcinous means powerful mind. Homer’s underline meaning of the name is that the Phaeacians are governed by powerful thought andvirtue.
  • Phaeacia princess
  • Daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete
  • Princess Nausicaa is described by Homer as tall, beautiful and is compared to Artemis the goddess of women. In Book Six, she finds Odysseus on the beach and directs him to her father’s Palace.
  • The royal bard
  • Favorite of Muse the goddess of music
  • Demodocus is gifted in songs and poems and respected by the Phaeacians. His talent is praised by Odysseus in Book Eight. He has sung two songs in the book: the love of Ares and Aphrodite and Odysseus’ victory in the Trojan War (Homer, Odyssey, 102, 111).
  • Young Phaeacian noble
  • Good in wrestling. He has beaten other challengers in the game in Book Eight (Homer, Odyssey, 105).
  • Phaeacian noble
  • Oldest phaeacian man in the story
  • In Book Eleven, he praises and supports Aretewhen she speaks (Homer, Odyssey, 149).
  • King Alcinous’s son
  • Best dancer among the Phaeacians
  • King Alcinous’s son
  • Best dancer among the Phaeacians
  • Best boxer
  • In Book eightLaodamas and Halius has shown a Phaeacian dance to Odysseus. (Homer, Odyssey, 108).
  • Queen of the Phaeacians
  • Daughter of of Phexenor
  • Niece of Alcinous
  • Arete’s father got killed by Apollo and thusAlcinous takes her as his queen. Arete is wise, sympathic and warm-hearted. She earns high status in the country and is praised by her people. In ancient Greek, Arete means excellence andvirtue.

  • First king of the Phaeacians, founder of Scheria
  • Son of Poseidon the Earthshaker and Periboea (the daughter of Eurymedon the King of the Giants)
  • King Nausithous has two sons Rhexenor and Alcinous, who become the next king after his father.
Phaeacian Prince

                          Coming up...Phaeacian Society  ^0^


  1. at this point, I owe a "thank you" to Shakespeare for preventing from going into literature...

  2. LOL... what r u doing? maths again?
